Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring pictures from the Big Blue House


The hyacinths have come and gone, as did our daffodils.  Thier minature cousins (iris,daffodil, hyacinth and tulips) all bloomed about a month ago, and our crocus have been gone since the beginning of March.  The paperwhites have also bloomed and faded by the time we took these photos. 

Shrub Garden
Backyard Walkway
Since we dove right into projects this spring, we didn't get pictures taken and uploaded to the blog as quickly as we should have.  Sadly, these pictures were taken a few weeks past the tulip's prime. 

None-the-less, they are still beautiful spring pictures of the Big Blue House. 

These pictures are the fruits of our labor (and the cause of our previous November back injuries) 


Front yard walkway to the drive

Front Birch Bed

Front Peach Tree Bed

Foundation Planting

A few weeks earlier the Rhododendron behind the Azaleas was in bloom as well.  This photo was taken after I had cleaned up the area and snipped quite a few spent tulips.

Foundation Planting

Corner Fence / Paperbark Maple Garden

Corner Fence / Paperbark Maple Garden

It's a pity that we didn't snap a picture of this sooner.  The corner fence had many more hyacinths and tulips a few weeks earlier.  That is an Olga Mezitt Rhodo behind the fence.  Each spring she is STUNNING.  Every passer-by asks about Olga.

Native Garden

The photo to the right is of our Native Praire Garden.  This photo was taken early April...and YES those are coneflower next to the tulips.  They came up REALLY early this year.

Mature Lilac

My mom's nat geo moment

My mom's nat geo moment



In just a few weeks, the tulips on the berm will be traded out for Allium.  I cannot wait to see that.  I adore Allium.


Front Peach Tree Bed


Side of house pulling into our Drive

Another of Mom's Nat Geo Moments


  1. Hi,
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  2. What's the name of the trees on your fence line?
