The "5-year" plan

When we moved into our house in 2005, we had agreed that it was a 5 year plan. In five years, the house would be painted and landscaped to our tastes. It would be done...

It's 2011.
The projects are never-ending, we have a dirt mound in our driveway the size of a suburban, It's dark out and we're still working... hit it.

Welcome to our journal about dirt, gardens and beer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A few days since the last entry...

In the past few days, we've done quite a bit of "maintenance and clean-up" around our property. 

Lex has worked on making the dirt pile smaller and I have completed spring bed clean-up on two sides of our house.  It's amazing how great things look when you turn your mulch.  It looks brand new.  It's almost like a whole new flower bed... but better because the plants are established!  Our grass should look much better in a few weeks.  It was re-seeded yesterday.  Yes sir-re.  Things are looking up at 13831.
The dirt pile is shrinking.  Lex was so pleased with himself, somehow he managed to create a tunnel right through the middle of the dirt pile.  It was like he was a 6 year old boy all over again. 

We pulled our our Japanese Maple yesterday.  It wasn't a surprise that It didn't come back.  When we put it in last summer... it was already in bad shape.  At least we have a 1 year guarantee on all plants.  So with that in mind we put in a ornamental plum, which is at least the same basic color as the maple was.  I was VERY pleased with the different shape of the tree in the shrub bed.  I realized that all things happen for a reason, and that I didn't really care much for the look of the maple at all.  So with me being as pleased as I was... I was motivated to finish off the shrub garden with a decorative rock border. 

My second revelation yesterday was that during the winter months, i need to start exercising/training for gardening in the spring.  I am using muscles that have not been used in months, and boy are they sore.  But, the yard looks great and when it comes to my aching John Cougar Mellencamp says... it hurts so good.
The shrub garden... FINISHED.  We added the rock border and ornamental plum tree yesterday.

The shrubs along our backyard walkway are coming in nicely.  I will be making a mowing strip along the outside edge of this garden.

Not sure if our paperbark maple is coming back...

Awww... aren't mini daffodils cute?
 -- Lisa

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