The "5-year" plan

When we moved into our house in 2005, we had agreed that it was a 5 year plan. In five years, the house would be painted and landscaped to our tastes. It would be done...

It's 2011.
The projects are never-ending, we have a dirt mound in our driveway the size of a suburban, It's dark out and we're still working... hit it.

Welcome to our journal about dirt, gardens and beer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It was like meeting a rock star.

There is a house in our neighborhood that I have always admired (ok, envied) since we moved in.  They have the MOST perfect landscaping.  It was actually their house that inspired me to create our berm.  Today, after the 3rd plant run... after i had just planted the 28th plant... the woman, the legend, the owner of my favorite house came walking by with her dog.  I didn't know it was her at first.  After the initial hellos and pleasant conversation about how beautiful our berm looked, she introduced herself as the owner of none other than my favorite house.  I could have passed out.  She then went on to invite me over any time so that I could see her BACK YARD.  I could have died just then and there.  I do think I'll take her up on it.  I've always wondered what fabulous things they have in the backyard.
     PS - did I mention she works at Sids which is my favorite store during the spring and summer months.  Hmmm... wonder if my new friend can get me a job... :)
-- Lisa

I added some yarrow and salvia to the berm. 

It's filling in nicely!

I found lavender today... mark the pathway garden DONE!

a close up of the yarrow.  I really played up the yellow hues on the berm with the yarrow, yucca and euonymus.

I had to add a few rocks behind the hens-and-chicks.  I feared they were going to get too much run off from the sea thrift and silberlocke korean fir.

I put in a few more hosta, they really seem to light up the shade area on the northeastern side of the pine.  That big bare space on the right is being saved for the biggest mamma jamma hosta of them all... the empress wu.  I just have to buy her first.  hopefully she'll be in within the month.


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