The "5-year" plan

When we moved into our house in 2005, we had agreed that it was a 5 year plan. In five years, the house would be painted and landscaped to our tastes. It would be done...

It's 2011.
The projects are never-ending, we have a dirt mound in our driveway the size of a suburban, It's dark out and we're still working... hit it.

Welcome to our journal about dirt, gardens and beer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Put on your helmet Carol Anne... THEY'RE HERE.
I let the dogs out and thought I'd take a quick photo of what I saw.

This is what happens every time Lex cuts the grass.  :)
Everything gets stacked on top of the fire pit as if we were about to have a huge bonfire, or as if we have spooks in the backyard.  Hence, the poltergeist reference.  It looks just like when the chairs were stacked in the movie.

We also have some new tenants in the purple martin house.  It looks like the starlings have been evicted, I haven't seen them in a few days.

I'm headed out to create my trellis.  First, I have to head downstairs and find Lex's fishing line.
I'm sure he'll be thrilled when he comes home to find that I have used his expensive fishing line to make a trellis.  I put some thought into this and figured that if I used chicken wire, it would show. I didn't want that so I thought about it some more line woven into a net/trellis will blend right in with the fence.  After all it's meant to be invisible, right?  You don't want fish to see it... so based on this logic, I am off to build a trellis. HA.  I got it.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works out the way I hope it will.
-- Lisa

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